The studio’s location helps to create simplicity within the photo, focusing on the subject and allowing the audience to expand their minds on what they think the individual images mean. David LaChapelle’s conceptual photography inspired the photos' lighting and bright colours. I was drawn to his photography as his lighting and use of colours made his photos of celebrities weird and haunting, which was different as celebrities are often portrayed in glam photography. The lighting and colour added humour to his photography, which I wanted to achieve. I am pleased with the series, and I think that the eerie lighting and the subject captured in the photograph have a lasting impact on the audience, making them feel about the media. 

The concept of this photography series, ‘The Media Apocalypse’, was to convey the overconsumption of media and how it negatively affects us. The photos were shot in the genre of conceptual photography as I thought I could get the most interesting response from my audience whilst making them think about how media influences their life. I used a baby mask on the model to represent how media has influenced us so we can no longer formulate our opinions. Instead, media has taken over our brains and daily lives.  Haley Morris-Cafierouse inspired the costume, as she often uses dramatic costumes to create humour and a sense of oddness around her work, which I was drawn to. The colour background also creates a humorous feel to the photo, drawing in the audience, while the lighting helps the audience feel uneasy as the shadows create a weird effect.


Music Festival Branding


Political Posters